Sri Vidya – Kumar Kartikey, The Great Master of Sri Vidya

Sri Vidya – Kumar Kartikey, The Great Master of Sri Vidya

◆The Penultimate Master Of Sri Vidya, Kumar Kartikeya ◆

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In Sri Vidya philosophy, the name of  Kumar Kartikeya comes in several places. He was not only a great Sri Vidya practitioner but also a great master of Sri Vidya. However, very little is mentioned in religious texts about where and how Kumar Kartikeya learn’t Sri Vidya.

Originally, Kumar Kartikeya was an Alchemy Master. He knew very well how to use the science of alchemy for shaktipath (opening the path to higher spiritual energy), Mritsanjeevani (science of achieving deathlessness or long life) and making gold using herbs alone. He had learn’t the Alchemy science from Sri Dattatreya. It also appears that Kumar Kartikeya learn’t some of the great secrets of Sri Vidya also from Sri Dattatreya.

Story of Kumar Kartikeya

Kumar Kartekeya was born with a mission to kill Tarkaasur (a devil or rakshas in hindi mythology). He sits on a peacock. The peacock is a symbol of Paraavani (the language of higher spiritual dimensions). A true Sri Vidya practitioner who has mastered Panchadasi mantra, connects with the astral world using Paraavani only. Curled in the legs of the peacock is a snake. The fact that the peacock controls the snake signifies the curbing of ‘Aham’ or kundalini. The peacock is the son of Garuna which has a secret connection with the Sushumna nadi (central spiritual channel) in the spiritual bodies of all humans. Garuna was the brother of Aruna (who used to live with the Sun God) and had gifted a cock to Kumar Kartik.

Very few people know that there were two avid followers of Kumar Kartikeya – Valli and Devasena. Valli belonged to the tribal community while Devasena was God Indra’s daughter. Amritavalli and Saundaryavalli, the two daughters of God Vishnu (who had taken birth from his eyes) had fallen in love with Kumar Kartikeya. But Kumar Kartikeya was the one who directed Amritavalli to be re-born as his follower Devasena and Saundaryavalli as his follower, Valli.

Salvation Secret

God Shiva once himself told Devi Parvati that besides him the secret path of achieving salvation or moksha was only known to Kumar Kartikeya. Once Kumar Kartikeya had gone to Southern India for his work and while departing asked his father, that for achieving salvation, will I have to come back to Mount Kailash. And God Shiva answered , son you need not return to Kailasha but can achieve salvation from any sacred place by following the secrets you know. These secrets to moksha were later given by God Shiva to Devi Parvati in the form of the ‘Panchamved’ text. In the advanced stage of Sri Vidya, the Guru teaches the Pancham Ved to the devotees.

Kumar Kartikeya was such an advanced Sri Vidya master that all Matrikas (figments or forms of feminine divine energy) were his worshippers. These Matrikas had helped Paandavas win the battle of Mahabharat. These devis had led to the creation of the three main spiritual dimensions. Their names are –

Sri Vidya Matrika Dieties

प्रभावती, विशालाक्षी, पालिता, गोस्तनी, श्रीमती, बहुला, बहुपुत्रिका, अप्सु जाता, गोपाली, बृहदम्बालिका, जयावती, मालतिका, ध्रुवरत्ना, भयंकरी, वसुदामा, दामा, विशोका, नन्दिनी, एकचूडा, महाचूड़ा, चक्रनेमि, उत्तेजनी, जयत्सेना, कमलाक्षी, शोभना, शत्रुंजया, क्रोधना, शलभी, खरी, माधवी, शुभवक्त्रा, तीर्थनेमि, गीताप्रिया, कल्याणी, रुद्ररोमा, अमिताशना, मेघस्वना, भोगवती, सुभ्रू, कनकावती, अलाताक्षी, वीर्यवती, विद्युज्जिह्, पद्मावती, सुनक्षत्रा, कन्दरा, बहुयोजना, संतानिका, कमला, महाबला, सुदामा, बहुदामा, सुप्रभा, यशस्विनी, नृत्यप्रिया, शतोलूखलमेखला, शतघण्टा, शतानन्दा, भगनन्दा, भाविनी, वपुष्मती, चन्द्रसीता, भद्रकाली, ऋक्षाम्बिका, निष्कुटिका, वामा, चत्वरवासिनी, सुमंगला, स्वस्तिमती, बुद्धिकामा, जयप्रिया, धनदा, सुप्रसादा, भवदा, जलेश्वरी, एडी, भेडी, समेडी, वेतालजननी, कण्डूतिकालिका, देवमित्रा, वसुश्री, कोटरा, चित्रसेना, अचला, कुक्कुटिका, शंखलिका, शकुनिका, कुण्डारिका, कौकुलिका, कुम्भिका, शतोदरी, उत्क्राथिनी, जलेला, महावेगा, कंकणा, मनोजवा, कण्टकिनी, प्रघसा, पूतना; केशयन्त्री, त्रुटि, वामा, क्रोशना, तड़ित्प्रभा, मन्दोदरी, मुण्डी, मेघवाहिनी, सुभगा, लम्बिनी, लम्बा, ताम्रचूड़ा, विकाशिनी, ऊर्ध्ववेणीधरा, पिंगाक्षी, लोहमेखला, पृथुवस्त्रा, मधुलिका, मधुकुम्भा, पक्षालिका, मत्कुलिका, जरायु, जर्जरानना, ख्याता, दहदहा, धमधमा, खण्डखण्डा, पूषणा, मणिकुट्टिका, अमोघा, लम्बपयोधरा, वेणुवीणाधरा, शशोलूकमुखी, कृष्णा, खरजंघा, महाजवा, शिशुमारमुखी, श्वेता, लोहिताक्षी, विभीषणा, जटालिका, कामचरी, दीर्घजिह्वा, बलोत्कटा, कालेहिका, वामनिका, मुकुटा, लोहिताक्षी, महाकाया, हरिपिण्डा, एकत्वचा, सुकुसुमा, कृष्णकर्णी, क्षुरकर्णी, चतुष्कर्णी, कर्णप्रावरणा, चतुष्पथनिकेता, गोकर्णी, महिषानना, खरकर्णी, महाकर्णी, भेरीस्वना, महास्वना, शंखश्रवा, कुम्भश्रवा, भगदा, महाबला, गणा, सुगणा, अभीति, कामदा, चतुष्पथरता, भूतितीर्था, अन्यगोचरी, पशुदा, वित्तदा, सुखदा, महायशा, पयोदा, गोदा, महिषदा, सुविशाला, प्रतिष्ठा, सुप्रतिष्ठा, रोचमाना, सुरोचना, नौकर्णी, मुखकर्णी, विशिरा, मन्थिनी, एकचन्द्रा, मेघकर्णा, मेघमाला और विरोचना।

In Sri Vidya, we learn in-depth about these Matrikas – their various forms, functions etc. In Sri Vidya sadhna when one learns the art of energetically piercing the Sri Chakra, these matrika shaktis get awakened. Hence one should understand these matrikas in depth such that it becomes easier to manage and experience their energies. All these Matrikas are staunch followers of Kumar Kartikeye. Therefore, we should have great respect for the divine Master.

To view this article in hindi click here

Please do also see our video on Kumar Kartikeya on Youtube.

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 || Sri Matre Namah ||

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