One Buddhist Weapon Explanation : (ChipuchpaShamahu: )

One Buddhist Weapon Explanation : (ChipuchpaShamahu: )

One Buddhist Weapon Explanation :  (ChipuchpaShamahu: )

Greeting Friends,

We would like to welcome you!

We are presenting you today with one different knowledge. This article is referred to Buddist Lama Tantra associates with weapons.

Here we will discuss one weapon and how it works with shapes.

ChipuchpaShamahu is the name of this weapon.  The word originates from Buddhism and has been translated into Hindi.

If you see the shape properly, you will find five choppers.

As in Hindhu, a sword is important to Gods and Goddesses, similarly, in Lama tantra, the Chopper is important.

As you can see, there are five choppers attached to the one big wand.

You can imagine what a weapon would look like from the given image.

From a scientific perspective, five choppers symbolize the Panchamahabhut form.

They also express like five directions.

The wand is made of wood, representing the orbital system.

In the given image, you can see planets being prepared as a panel.

The earth place is present in the center, as well as where five choppers are merging.

Choppers are being prepared here as Panchamahabhuts to protect the earth.

This element stays in the earth’s aura.

If any negative energy or negative item comes from the outside and tries to hit the earth, these chopper’s energies will annihilate it.

Similarly, many things exist in the minute form in our planetary system.


This article publish and research by SriVidya Pitham.



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