Self Realization and Spirituality ,  What is Reality ? 

Self Realization and Spirituality , What is Reality ? 

Self Realization and Spirituality 

What is Reality ? 

Hello friends
Welcome to Srividya Peetham.
There are a lot of misconceptions about the subject on which we are going to write today.
What is his reality?
We are going to throw some light on that. The word ‘ self realization ‘ has become quite famous all over the world.
Mostly self-realization is the word used in different types of meditation, meditation center or healing types.
If you meditate with this xyz method, meditate with so long time, if you concentrate on the so-and-so cycle, then your Kundalini will awaken and you will feel self-realization.
All such emotion-filled dramas appear in many places. And a large human community gets caught in this clutches. Don’t know how many foreigners go to retreat for meditation. In this subject, how many people have wasted thousands of rupees dollars.
I get calls, emails from many places. Many types of people are not aware of how many organizations are connected and how many gurus are tired of traveling.
First of all, whatever starts to look good in some place, later on the reality of the person changes its mind.
” Self realization ” This word has been called self-knowledge in Hindi language, it has been said to be a sense of self-identity, liberation, salvation, inner voice or listening to the voice of God or self-realization.

Now the question comes, will one get enlightenment through Kundalini awakening? Will there be enlightenment by doing different types of healing? Can you get that feeling by keeping silence for a week in a retreat? To understand all these topics properly, we need to understand the game of mind.

Psychology Study is a foundational practice in the spiritual world. How are the conscious ones messing with the unconscious mind? Can enlightenment be understood by gross body? Can you explain enlightenment with the subtle body? What cause body ( Karan Sharir ) and causes body (Mahakaran Sharir ) can be obtained from the body?

If you read the foregoing secrets told by Bhagavad Gita, Vivek Chudamani, Yoga Vashisht, Shiva’s Aagam Rahega , then you will understand that no Kundalini, no deity can give you salvation. Gods and Goddesses can only show a way. That too only if they wish. Person needs a pure purity.


In the Mahabharata, when Arjuna saw the great form of Shri Krishna, then Arjun asked, “O God, now tell me how you will get liberation.” 

Then Shri Krishna said, “O Arjuna! If you want to understand liberation then it is necessary to understand Brahm, in that also understand Kshar Brahm and Akshar Brahm. When you understand these two Brahmas, then any full Brahm is different from them. And you can get all this knowledge only from the direct Tattvarshi Guru. The Tattvarshi Guru does not come from any tradition or heritage of any throne, he is neither from any religion nor is he to worship Kundalini of any gods. Tattvarshi Gurus have an understanding of Nadabrahma and such Gurus are extremely inferior. ” 

Freinds , Nadabrahm Shastra is the foundation of self realization. You must have understood that there are so many deep secrets here, which people ignore and move forward. After giving so much enlightenment to Arjuna, after the Mahabharata, he left Sri Krishna for liberation and went on the road to Hastinapur.
If this is the condition of an intelligent warrior like Arjuna, then what will be the condition of today’s twenty-first century people.
Today’s people have books on the main knowledge of all the three eras, but still what is happening? The meditation-yoga camps held in the name of self-realization mostly have types of collective appreciation.

What is meditation

Meditation is called Death. 
        Meditation makes the souls who will receive a body after death realize it. 
One day we will get another body except this gross body which we do not even know. 
Meditation is not what anyone is doing to tune the music to concentrate the mind on a cycle. Meditation with the aim of breath is not even called the original meditation. Imagining a subject with eyes closed or giving positive messages to yourself is also not the basic focus.
These are the techniques of relaxation, keeping the mind calm, reducing mental physical stress.
People have very different experiences in all these activities, that is what people consider as Kundalini Jagran or Self Realization. Rather, these are all mental illusions. Meditation is never with closed eyes, eyes should be open. Do not understand the fact that you have to keep your eyes wide open.

Spiritualism is not easy here, Maya ( Illusion ) is a tricky form. 

It is important to understand one thing. In the dual world, 99% are elusive and 1% are Brahma elements. 

In the Advaita world 99% are Brahma world and 1% are Maya ( Illusion ) Tattva. 

Here in 1% Maya, 99% is enough to crush Brahm in his zone. 

Now you think, to understand self realization, we have to understand how many different topics are important. A qualified practice, a proper meditation practice, a good guide are necessary. Perhaps during the Mahabharata, Guru Draunacharya asked the question to the Kaurava – Pandavas about the bird hanging on a tree, what would have happened after if Arjuna was asked to Krishna? At that time, Arjuna had answered only with eyes visible. Perhaps Krishna would have said, I am looking at myself in that bird’s eye. So now will Krishna kill himself with arrows on this answer?

So much awareness is necessary for self realization.
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