Sri-Lalita SahaSranama | Part 14
Word: ” Champaka-shok Punnaga-sogandhi Kalastakacha “
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Today we move on to the next name. Next verse in SriLalita Sahasranama’s long verses is “Champakashok Punnagasogandhi Kalastakacha”, we will take a little glance at it.
“Champakashok Punnagasogandhi Kalastakacha” You must have understood from reading the above verses that Champak, Ashoka, Punnag have names of flowers giving such fragrances.
Vashini Vagdevata Goddesses have clarified each subject in short in SriLalita Sahasranama. Who is Sri-Lalitha Tripurasundari? What are Her Weapons? Her Worship ? information on such subjects have been given.
Srividya Sadhana meaning the mantras of Sri-lalita are of fifteen seed syllables. These fifteen syllables have been divided into three parts, that is called the three peaks.
So the first peaks are those of Sri-lalita from the crown to the neck, In which there is a part of the hair of the goddess and even her full braid. This braid is long extending from head to below the waist.
The woman’s long hair is also a symbol of tremendous energy. But it depends on what herbs have kept the hair properly. Because these hairs act as antennas in a way, adding infinite powers to infinite subjects.
Four such fragrant flowers grace namely Champaka or magnolia, Ashoka, Punnag, Saugandhika on the same braid.
These flower consisting of five subtle elements reflect a divine gift.
? If Srividya is practiced properly, like we said earlier, there are 43 triangles on the Sriyantra. These 43 triangles mean it has gardens, ponds, place where goddess can take hot water bath, 12 zodiac signs, 27 stars abbeys. In one of these abbeys or monasteries there are different fragrant flower gardens to decorate the hair of the Goddess.
Many seekers take wrong type of Srividya initiation, due to which they do not get this basic knowledge. The Dattatreya tradition begins with the imitation of Lord Ganesha. It is a long practice method.
These flowers Champaka, Ashoka, Punnag, Saugandhika, are the symbols of mind, intellect, consciousness and ego.
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