Sri-Lalita SahaSranama | Part : 15 | Word : “Kuruvind Mani-shreani Kanta-kotira-mandita”

Sri-Lalita SahaSranama | Part : 15 | Word : “Kuruvind Mani-shreani Kanta-kotira-mandita”

Sri-Lalita SahaSranama | Part : 15
Word : “Kuruvind Mani-shreani Kanta-kotira-mandita

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We move on to the next name. The next verse in the long shlokas of Sri-Lalitha SahaSraNama “Kuruvind Mani-shreani Kanta-kotira-mandita” we will glance at it a little.

Kuruvinda is also called “Padmaraga-mani” or Ruby. The subject of gems is discussed in the Garuda Purana. Some gems are made in rivers and some are made below the ground. What is Ruby? For example, diamonds, Rubies  are like beautiful stones.

As metals like Gold and Silver have infinite powers. Many powers are invoked on these metals by divine rituals. In the same way, In Srividya Sadhana we do process of  water ritual or tarpan, we  put different drugs,  ashes and gems in that water to pull or satisfy the powers.

Now SriVidya is such a huge expansion that it is not just any mantra or tantra system, but is also the entire Kundalini power and the knowledge of every petals of Kundalini is also associated with it.

There are laws in Srividya to make Sriyantra on big stones of different gems. Kuruvind Ratna is the very rare  type of ruby. Srividya Sadhana worships 43 triangles with Bindu – the central point. Each triangle is like a big City.  In which everything which is used in Sri lalita’s worship  is kept.

In it one of the triangle has  a mine of Pushkaraja or yello sapphire, in the second triangle there is the Padmarag Mani or Ruby, in the third there is the  Gomed or hessonite Garnet, in the fourth there is the Emerald, the fifth is Red Coral and in the sixth there are mines of  Cats eye,

All these are liked by Goddess Lalita Parameswari. These Kuruvind or Ruby symbolize love, prosperity and symbol of devotion to Lord Vishnu. This ruby  is adorned on the crown of Sri Lalitha Devi. If you keep writing  on this subject, many articles to explain this one name will be prepared.

All this knowledge is imparted in Srividya practice.  However, Srividya initiation should be taken in the right way.

Thanks ,

SriVidya Pitham , Thane
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