Sri-Lalita SahaSraNama | Part : 6 | Word : ” Udyad-Bhanu SahsraBha “

Sri-Lalita SahaSraNama | Part : 6 | Word : ” Udyad-Bhanu SahsraBha “

? Sri-Lalita Sahasranama ?
Part : 6 | Word : ” Udyad-Bhanu SahsraBha “

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Today we will try to understand the noun of this word ” Udadbhanu Sahasrabha ” in the sixth part of Sri-Lalita Sahasranama. That Adi parashakti has an effulgence of one thousand rising Suns. When the sun rises, its aura is like a gold. The light that destroys the darkness.

When Sri-Lalita Sahasranama manifested, the gods were not able to see her splendor. So the goddess had to narrow her lustre. Some gods could not bear the lustre and fell unconscious. Here some topics are of deep practice.

If you understand the story only as a story, then nothing will come out of it so try to understand the story with a science logic.

Have you ever thought, even the gods of such a great glory cannot bear it. So when Bhandasur and Lalita’s great war took place, how did these mundane demons tolerate the normal lustre of Lalita? It is a subject to think about. Were they burned by this lustre of Lalita’s ?

If that were the case, who were those demons in the entire battleground? Who were ready to fight with the great powers like Matangi, Varahi, Kurukulla?

In the war with Bhandasura, many Asura demons were a group of demons. Many of the demons died, but many of the demons were also fighting till Lalita’s last war.

In the war there were many groups of demons with Bhandasura, Many of the demons died, but many of the demons were also fighting till the last war with Lalita.

Friends, this plot is not like the war of any other deities, which you read in Ramayana, Mahabharata or Saptashati. To fight standing before Sri Lalita Parameswari, more and more force is needed than demons. That Bhandasur who could with the strength of his penance create 105 cosmos What will be his devilish force ? All these demons were at war with the military force of Lalita.

Now who can bear that splendor of Sri Lalita Parmeshwari? At least these demons had some level of sadhana and the strength of the penance, then they could muster courage to fight such a War.

In such war stories, we mostly see only the side of the gods.

But we do not think that hey, these demons who are being killed at the hands of Lalitha, by her lustre, by the sharpness of her weapons, when these demons die, they are liberated. Now who does not want such a liberation ?

When you practice spirituality, the Gods and Goddesses do not get liberated so soon. They are not liberated.

Lord Shiva himself had given the knowledge to Parvati on this subject, that only Lord Kartikeya knows the secret of liberation apart from him. Neither do the other gods and goddesses.

If you see the full picture of Lalita Parameswari, Lalita in form of Kameshwari is sitting with her husband Kameshwar, now Kameshwar Shiva himself here is six faced ( Sixth face hidden) and seated nearby is , Kartikeya who is also six faced. And these six faces are the six Amanayas of Srividya. Infinite path of knowledge is hidden in them.

Therefore, while doing Srividya Sadhana, it is important to take the knowledge of Guru paduka mantra and the amanaya from which you are taking spiritual practice from your Srividya Guru.

All this knowledge of Srividya is like “Udayadbhanu Sahasrabha”. As your own light increases with the tenacity of your spiritual practice, you also progress in that ultimate knowledge.

In Srividya, a woman seeker has to discover Lalita in herself, to manifest the Kalas of Lalita. There is infinite knowledge in each of her Kalas. Panchadasi Mantra is itself to understand Fifteen Kalas and Shodashi Mantra is like while understanding the Sixteenth Kala increasing your unlimited sun energy


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