Who is Kul-Purusha ?

Who is Kul-Purusha ?

ll Seek progenitor of clan’s (Kulpurush) blessings in this auspicious holy month of Shravan ll

Namaste Friends ,

Welcome to Srividhya Pitham

Article Written by Nivrutti Ubale ( Kokan ) , SriVidya Pitham.

*Wishing you a very happy, prosperous and auspicious month of Shravan.*

Shravan Mas ( Hindu Month )

Most hindu religious people observe the holy month of Shravan (this is the most ritualistic month) and offer various pujas (worship and prayer) to Lord Shiva to invoke and seek his blessings for oneself and family.

This is still a most important ritual which you must offer for the betterment of your family. Unfortunately, today’s generation is very ignorant of the importance of this ritual, because of which many face a problematic life and experience lots of hurdles to prosper. When you are ignorant of certain things, your life’s elements become imbalanced and you remain confused all the time.

Nowadays, it has become a trend that religious people tend to follow different deities and install various yantras and tantras in their respective homes, totally forgetting about their deity of the clan or family (kuldev/devi) and the Progenitor of their clan (kulpurush/mulpurush), Kulpurush is the source of your rescue from problems and also responsible for your prosperity.

If your kuldev/devi and kulpurush are annoyed or disagree with your certain approach then however powerful your yantra, tantra, mantra, may be, the energy of the yantra, tantra, mantra, will be totally nullified without the blessings from kuldev/devi and kulpurush. Most of the religious people ignore this fact.

There is a misconception among the people that listening to discourses of Ramayana/Mahabharata and following certain Gurus and learning some healing techniques will resolve all issues of life, but believe me inspite of all such practices, kuldev/devi and kulpurush will not shower the blessings upon you and your family.

In olden days, there used to be a joint family concept, our elders used to religiously follow the culture and tradition of the family. They used to practice the annual rituals of the kuldev/devi and kulpurush and would seek blessings for the entire family. Even now very few families practice this ritual till date, but it is unfortunate that most have forgotten the family tradition and culture and are involved in following other deities.

Now for e.g. if, Draupadi had to seek Krishna’s help instead of others who were present in Court, that very moment when she was being molested by Duryodana, she wouldn’t be so much insulted in front of all people. So when Draupadi understood that everything is futile, she sought Lord Krishna’s help. In the same way, if we ask for the timely help from our kuldev/devi and kulpurush at the very first instance, all the other deities agree to shower their blessings only with the permission or authority from kuldev/devi and kulpurush. But, if your clan only is not stable and supportive then how can one expect that the worship and prayers to Mahavidhya will be favourable for you and shower upon you the blessings of the whole universe.

Does anyone know the subject `Kulpursuh’ ?

Kulpurush is nothing but the progenitor of the clan. `Kul’ literally means lineage, race, family and `purusha’ means the man, soul, spirit or even chief or ancestor of the family in which you are born.

*What is the scope of the `Kulpurusha’ ?*

Kulpurush is the protector of his clan or family, same way as kuldev/devi, with whom we seek for divine protection and guidance.

We know when we are faced with problem, we seek the help (guidance) and blessings from kuldev/devi in case of fear of accidents, to get a child in the family, if any family member suffers from ailment, or bad habits, such as intoxication, for mental strength, for respect in the society, job satisfaction, marriage issues and so on. Same way we seek blessings, protection and guidance from kulpurush also.

*Kulpurush in other word is our DNA -*

We cannot activate our DNA by just practicing meditation and healings. What you sow shall you reap.

We have to understand one thing that the DNA, which is dormant in our blood stream, can be strengthened for our next generation only by regularly worshipping our kuldev/devi and kulpurush.

Friends, I request all of you to be attentive and pay respect towards your kulpurush. Don’t blindly follow Gurus as a fashion trend to seek spiritual radiance, it will be worthless in the end because this cannot help you in seeking any blessings and guidance from your kulpurush.

I am aware nowadays many people install pictures and idols of their live Gurus, but, I have seen the ill effects on the people who follow such trends.

Many families have settled abroad and because of this they have forgotten our tradition and culture and for this reason most of the time you will see such people entangling in their own unresolved problems for many years.

People who are of Indian origin and settled abroad, I request all of you to divert your attention once in a while towards your family tradition and culture with regards to your kuldev/devi and kulpurush. When you will start worshipping your kuldev/devi and kulpurush, I assure you that you will see the changes and get solutions to your unresolved issues. A time will come where you will even stop seeking astrological help like checking horoscope to find solutions. I request you to start this practice of worshipping your kuldev/devi and kulpurush.

How to invoke the Kulpurush?

Kulpurush is the whole and sole of our clan and the other respective ancestors’ souls, are also governed by the kulpurush. If our other ancestors’ souls create unrest in the families with problem, then this problem can be settled by the worship of kulpurush, because kulpurush is the head of the clan.

During the month of Holy Shravan any Wednesday or the day of Ekadashi (11th day) or any Monday, you invite 4 to 5 Brahmans (Priests)to your house and offer them a supari (betel nut) and authorise the Brahmins to invoke your Kulpurush by doing Rudrabhishek Puja, which is also called as Laghu Rudra in marathi language. You can also do this Abhishek by chanting Rudri Path. With this puja you will be blessed with the shield of protection for the entire family for one year, therefore, this puja was made mandatory by our elders during olden days for the sake of the entire family members.

You can even do a small Rudra Puja Path yourself and can also do a small Havana or Homam. It purely depends on your financial position. This ritual can even be offered in the month of Paush (month as per Hindu calendar), but this doesn’t mean you skip puja in Shravan. If your financial position is very strong then you can even offer Maharudra.

As you keep on practicing this ritual annually in every Shravan and Paush months , you will notice prosperity and families well being and success in your house.

People who have settled abroad may have difficulty in performing such puja at their residence there,but they can offer this puja back home in India through the Priest (Brahman).

*Very Important:*

This puja can be collectively done by the whole family, it is very effective, if done by all the family members together by letting go all your ego and infights.

If you go with your ego in mind then you will experience the ill effects of this, because the kulpurush is head of the clan, and not meant for individuals. Kulpurush does not see your financial status and your positions in the society. He grants blessings to all family members equally, irrespective of your position and financial background. He see your pure intentions.

You will notice that in Goa, Maharashtra and South India, this ritual is still going very strong.

Every day I receive phone calls, I really sympathize with these callers when they narrate their stories, some people have even offered and devoted their time, energy and valuables along with all their family members to different spiritual institutions or Gurus or Spiritual masters. These devotees or followers even install or keep their pictures, idols, yantras and books. They devotedly follow their Guru’s instructions of meditations, mantras, yantras and tantras.

At initial stages of following a Guru, you start feeling very blissful and satisfied, but as you follow this for a longer time you start experiencing the adverse effects of these practices. Your life starts devastating from good to bad to worse. You start seeing the effect in the form of mental disorders, children careers getting affected, family disputes and un-cordial relationships in the family. These followers even go bankrupt because in the beginning they get so carried away and are enthusiastic about their Gurus that they simply start donating their valuables and money to their Guru’s spiritual institutions.

But, if you donate or use this money for your family and its welfare and also just practicing to worship and annually collectively celebrating the kuldev/devi and Kulpurush Puja as a family festival, it will be more worthwhile for your family or clan who will remember you for ages for this welfare.

Till date the royal families and the Brahman families always give utmost importance and first position to their kuldev/devi and kulpurush and unlike people who place their Guru’s picture or photo in the puja ghar (worship place).

Your trendy or fashionable Guru will never guide you to surrender to your kuldev/devi or kulpurush for your smooth sail in life.

You can expect such guidance only through a true Guru, that is why in olden times every clan or family used to have their family Guru (Purohit) who would guide them to do certain things as per the wishes or guidance of kuldev/devi and kulpurush.

Nowadays many people just bring any idol or a diety and keep it in the worship place of the house, without any directions from kuldev/devi and kulpurush.

We should understand the difference between the materialistic and spiritualistic progress. What I am trying to tell you is that if this important knowledge has not been imparted or given, we are going to be cursed by our next generation. Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, no matter who they were, they too followed the rule of their dynasty, their clan and followed to worship the kuldev/devi and kulpurush.

When you learn or decide to learn Srividya, you will have to understand that the first stage of Srividya starts with Shri Ganesh Sadhana (meditation) which is actually an obeisance to kulpurush. If you are learning Baglamukhi Sadhana (meditation) even here in this sadhana we start with Haridra Ganesha Sadhana. Again this is an obeisance to kulpurush. We cannot start Srividya without seeking the blessings of kulpurush.

I wish you and your family a blessed Holy Shravan and request you to worship your kuldev/devi and kulpurush by offering your puja to them as per your family culture and tradition and seek their blessings.

© Thank you!

*Srividhya Pitham, Thane*

Contact : 09860395985


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