Sri Krishna colored blue?

Sri Krishna colored blue?

Sri Krishna colored blue?


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To we introduce , why Bhagwan SriKrushna body color is Blue .

Everyone knows Shrikrishna .

Every person read or listening Bhagvat Gita or Mahabharat .

One of the theories is that Vishnu, because of his association with water, is depicted blue; therefore all his incarnations including Krishna, are shown as such. In Hinduism, persons who have depth of character and the capacity to fight evil are depicted as blue skinned. Another theory refers to Vishnu implanting two hairs, one black and the other white in Devaki’s womb which miraculously got transferred to Rohini’s and as a result, from the black hair Krishna tool birth, with a dark skin, and from the white hair his brother Balarama.

The theory of the blue coloring of Krishna goes to the fact that the Creator has given the maximum of blue to nature i.e. the sky, the oceans, the rivers and lakes. The deity who has the qualities of bravery, manliness, determination, the ability to deal with difficult situations, of stable mind and depth of character is represented as blue colored.

Lord Krishna spent his life protecting humanity and destroying evil, hence he is colored blue.
One of the theories is that Vishnu, because of his association with water, is depicted blue; therefore all his incarnations including Krishna, are shown as such. In Hinduism, persons who have depth of character and the capacity to fight evil are depicted as blue skinned.
Another theory refers to Vishnu implanting two hairs, one black and the other white in Devaki’s womb which miraculously got transferred to Rohini’s and as a result, from the black hair Krishna tool birth, with a dark skin, and from the white hair his brother Balarama.

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