?श्रीललिता सहस्रनाम ?Part 3 Word : श्रीमत-सिंहासनेश्वरी – 1 ॐ नमस्तुभ्यं मित्रों , श्रीविद्या पीठम में आप सभीका स्वागत हैं । Article Publish by
Tag: Shiva
Ayyapaa Gayatri Mantra
Ayyapaa Gayatri Mantra Om Bootha Nathaya Vidhmahe Bava Nandhanaya Dheemahe Tanno Sastha Prachodayaath ! Sri Sastha Dhasagam Prayers on Sri Dharma Sastha – Sri Ayyappa
Upasana & Sadhna: Difference Is Subtle But Pronounced
Sadhna & Upasana – Sound Very Similar But Are Different Online Course of SriVidya Essentials : Sri Vidya Essentials A lot of people learn and
With the blessings of Mahaavtar Babaji, my revered Guru, I am placing before you a highly significant piece of knowledge. Sri Vidya is not just
Diksha Types under Sri Vidya according to Saundaryalahiri
Let us talk about a basic subject under Shrividya actually written by Adishankaracharya. It is purely an imaginary story that contents of Diksha types were
An Exercise in Pratyabhigya Darshan under Srividya – Part 2
Shaiva Pratyabhigya Darshan under Srividya Namaskar Friends, I am sharing with you this piece of highly significant knowledge with the blessings of my inspiration and
An Exercise in Pratyabhigya Darshan under Srividya – Part 1
Pratyabhigya Philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism and Sri Vidya Namaskar Friends, I am sending to you a piece of highly significant knowledge with the blessings of
Sri Vidya – Kumar Kartikey, The Great Master of Sri Vidya
◆The Penultimate Master Of Sri Vidya, Kumar Kartikeya ◆ Online Course of SriVidya Essentials : Sri Vidya Essentials In Sri Vidya philosophy, the name of
Vahini Kundalini Element under Sri Vidya
Kundalini Perspective Of Sri Vidya It is significant to understand and interpret the concept of Kundalini as stated in the ancient scriptures of Srividya. It
SriVidya Sadhna – Kaulachar Aspect
★ श्रीविद्या साधना कौलाचार स्वरूप में ★ श्रीविद्या साधना में वेसे भी कई आम्नाय और मार्ग है । आज भी अनेक लोग श्रीविद्या